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Tsula Rinpoche 2024 Series - HK Stop

【金剛乘無上密法法訊 】

尊貴的朱拉.羅本仁波切親臨香港傳法及舉辦殊勝法會,同時親自闡述不丹王國正念之城金剛乘中心發展項目. 期間也為大眾提供特別除障增福服務,設立祈福滿願、消災免難的紅牌和超度亡靈、冤親債主的黃牌,助力大眾所願滿足,吉祥如意!

☸️主法上師: 尊貴的朱拉.羅本仁波切 –卡爾瑪·讓卓
- 來自不丹王國國家宗教政府最高權力機構的五大堪布之一
- 殊勝的竹巴噶舉大手印法脈傳承金剛上師

📅 日期:2024年11月2-3日  第四站: 香港

香港: https://www.buddhism.college/fourthstop-hongkong/


【金刚乘无上密法法讯 】

尊贵的朱拉.罗本仁波切亲临香港传法及举办殊胜法会,同时亲自阐述不丹王国正念之城金刚乘中心发展项目. 期间也为大众提供特别除障增福服务,设立祈福满愿、消灾免难的红牌和超度亡灵、冤亲债主的黄牌,助力大众所愿满足,吉祥如意!

☸️主法上师: 尊贵的朱拉.罗本仁波切 –卡尔玛·让卓
- 来自不丹王国国家宗教政府最高权力机构的五大堪布之一
- 殊胜的竹巴噶举大手印法脉传承金刚上师

📅 日期:2024年11月2-3日 
第四站: 香港

香港: https://www.buddhism.college/fourthstop-hongkong/


【Vajrayana Supreme Esoteric Dharma Assembly】
Fourth Stop: Hong Kong, also the first stop in Asia!

His Eminence Tsugla Lopen Rinpoche will be visiting Hong Kong to impart teachings and conduct a special empowerment puja. He will also personally explain the development project of the Vajrayana Centre of Gelephu Mindfulness City in the Kingdom of Bhutan. Practitioners seeking the Dharma must seize this rare opportunity to receive the supreme Vajrayana teachings!

During the Dharma Assembly, special services will be provided for obstacle removal and blessings. Yellow Tablets of Spiritual Liberation and Red Tablets of Blessings and Obstacle Elimination will be offered to assist participants in fulfilling their aspirations. May all be blessed with auspiciousness!

In addition, all participants are invited to join the exceptionally auspicious Homa Fire Offering dedicated to the Ten Dharma Realms and the sentient beings of the Six Realms!

☸️ Presiding Guru: His Eminence Tsugla Lopen Rinpoche - Karma Rangdrol
- One of the five highest-ranking Khenpos of the senior most religious authority of Bhutan.
- A Supreme Vajra Guru of the Drukpa Kagyu Mahamudra lineage

📅 Date: November 2-3, 2024
📍 Location: Asia Television Digital Media Limited
33 Dai Shing St, Tai Po Industrial Estate, Tai Po, N.T.

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