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拜地母 Gratitude Offerings: For Earth Mother

Regular price RM94.00 MYR

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    大地有个管理者叫”地母”, 这位师尊跟玉皇大天尊是平起平坐的。地球上的所有生命都只有一个母亲──就是地母。我们是地母所生、地母所养、地母化育。


    Mother Earth

    Gaia is the ancestral mother of all life - the primal Mother Earth Goddess. Gaia is on par with the Jade Emperor. Every living thing on earth has only one mother - Gaia. We are born from Earth, nourished by Earth, and taught by Earth.

    1 set of Elimination of Misfortunes and Prayer for Blessing, Vessel of Prosperity



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