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大功德主 $3000 Prime Sponsor

Regular price RM10,133.00 MYR

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Great Merit Sponsor

Most sentient beings are not awakened to the Truth of the Samsara cycle. They indulge in various life enjoyments and have no clue of the hostility of the never-ending cycles of reincarnations in the six realms. Just like Bodhisattvas who had attain enlightenment, we need to awaken the Bodhicitta in all sentient beings with great compassion. Those who can, please strive to be a Great Merit Sponsor.  Contribute within your means – be it monetary or with time –as the massive success of this event and with the completion of this puja, it will truly benefit the masses.


This package includes: 

1) 大尺寸合家消灾祈福红牌、四姓祖先及冤亲债主超度、今生往生父母、过去七世父母、六道众生超度牌位以及以下标准尺寸超度牌位
  • 十方法界一切众生超度
  • 婴灵超度
  • 八难横死众生超度
  • 孤魂野鬼超度
  • 所食所杀一切生命超度
2) 一份九盏灯
3) 食物、药品和金银纸(包括拜天公配套A、地母、太岁、财神、神明等配套)
4) 供三盏灯给法界一切因战争、地震、水灾等灾难而死难的六道众生  (以无名氏名义供)
5) 一膄弥陀法船自定义超度对象

1) Large-size Family Red Tablet, Ancestral & Karmic Creditors, Parents of this Lifetime, Past 7-Lifetime, Sentient Beings of Six Realms Yellow and standard size liberation tablets for the following items
  • Sentient beings from all 10 Dharma Realms
  • Infant spirits
  • Spirits from Premature Deaths
  • Wandering spirits
  • All lives that have been killed and eaten
2) 1 set of 9-Lamp Offering
3) Food, Medicine & Joss Papers incl. Gratitude offerings to Jade Emperor Set A, Earth Mother, Grand Duke, God of Wealth, All Deities & all joss papers.
4) 3 lamps for Sentient Beings of Six Realms, Died Due to Wars, Earthquakes, Floods and etc   (as anonymous dedicator)
5) One Dharma Vessel for dedication of your


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