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生日祈福配套1: 心想事成 Wish Fulfilment Birthday Package 1

Regular price RM299.00 MYR

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优惠价 S$88 (原价 S$100)



  1. 消灾祈福红牌 - 可写单人姓名,于下次法会团供中统一供奉
  2. 福禄寿灯 + 1盏旺来灯 🕯️ - 光明开运,福禄寿俱全
  3. 天龙八部药香* - 于法会期间供养龙族,息灾增福


有意者,请提供 “姓名,生日日期”



Remarks: 07 July


Promo S$88 (Original S$100)


  1. Blessings Red Tablet - For dedication by one individual, and to be collectively offered in closest upcoming puja.
  2. Fortune, Wealth, and Longevity Lamp + 1 Pineapple Lamp 🕯️ - Enhances brightness, attract good fortune, wealth, and longevity.
  3. Dragon Protectors’ Medicinal Incense* Offering for Dragon Dharma Protectors during upcoming puja, for disaster relief and blessing.

* Dragon Protectors’ Medicinal Incense can be replaced with 2 boxes of Moxibustion Sticks, subject to availability

Please provide name and birth date on registration

For example:

Name of dedicator: John Chan

Remarks: 07 July



📝 设立红牌 佛前借福 有求必应


📝 Blessing Red Tablet Borrow Blessings from the Buddhas

Invokes blessings of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, providing disaster relief and fortune, which is very auspicious! When the five blessings are insufficient, it can borrow blessings from the Buddhas, ensuring all wishes are fulfilled immediately. Through proper rituals of puja, it eliminates disasters, purifies karmic obstacles, brings family harmony, success, financial prosperity, and peace and joy!


🕯️ 点灯功德今生来世 照亮幽冥


🕯️ Lighting Lamps – Illuminate the Underworld in This Life and Beyond

Light is essential life energy for all beings. Offering lamps dispels inner darkness and ignorance, prays for blessings and wisdom, and provides boundless light for all beings. The path to the underworld is extremely dark, but the more lamps offered in life, the brighter the path. This follows the principle of energy exchange, so be sure to store energy in life for use after death.


🌿供天然药香 上供下施 方便殊胜




🌿 All-Natural Medicinal Incense Offering and Giving, Convenient and Auspicious

Offering natural medicinal incense delights the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, bringing constant protection, abundant blessings, and a noble rebirth. It also benefits beings in the six realms, resolving karmic debts, eliminating sins, avoiding evil destinies, and guiding all towards liberation.

The incense contains six herbs, grains, spices, flavors, and 108 natural precious materials. Rejoice in monthly offering to purify the ten directions!


🐉供天龙八部法药 神通全能 大福胜报


🐉 Dragon Protectors’ Medicinal Incense Divine Power, Great Blessings

Dragon protectors, with their vast divine powers, rule the saha world and govern all wealth. They vowed in front of the Buddha to protect all practitioners, relieve disasters, and increase blessings. Offering to the dragons brings them joy, ensuring their careful protection, increasing your blessings and wisdom, promoting health, guarding against diseases, and ensuring peace and prosperity.


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