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供天龙八部护法配套 Gratitude Offerings For Dragon Dharma Protectors

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与天众、龙众、夜叉 (吃鬼的神)、乾闼婆(香神)、阿修罗 、迦楼罗(金翅鸟神)、紧那罗 (歌神)、摩呼罗迦 (大蟒神)结缘, 祈愿法界安宁,世界和平,国泰民安,人类和平共处, 止息一切刀兵和瘟疫,消除一切灾难!特别赠送黄符纸(法界通行证)!

Offering Set For Dragon Dharma Protectors

Get connected with the Deva, Nāga, Yakṣa (deities that devour ghosts), Gandharva (deity of fragrance), Asura, Garuda (deities who have a body similar to birds), Kiṁnara (deity who sings), Mahoraga (deity with serpent-like body). May we pray for the safety of the Dharma world, world peace, peace and prosperity of each country, peaceful coexistence with mankind, cessation of warfare and plague, elimination of all disasters! Free giveaway of Yellow Talisman Joss Paper (access pass of the spiritual realms)!


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