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阳上 Name of Dedicator
超度对象 Please state liberated party: 九祖历代祖先及冤亲债主超度 Spiritual Liberation of Ancestors & Karmic Creditors 过去七世之父母超度 Spiritual liberation of parents from our past lifetimes 一切冤亲债主超度和有缘众生超度 Spiritual Liberation of Karmic Creditors 所食所杀所伤害一切众生超度 All Lives that have been killed and eaten 其他 Others
其他超度对象/ 历代祖先4个姓氏
If selected "Others", please state liberated party / If selected "Spiritual Liberation of Ancestors & Karmic Creditors", please state the 4 surnames of your ancestors.
For 单身 singles: (1.祖父姓氏 Paternal Grandfather,2.祖母姓氏 Paternal Grandmother,3.外祖父姓氏 Maternal Grandfather ,4.外祖母姓氏 Maternal Grandmother)
For 夫妻 couples: (1.男方父亲氏 Husband's father,2. 男方母亲氏 Husband's mother,3.女方父亲氏 Wife's father, 4.女方母亲氏 Wife's mother)